Best Book Settings?

I’ve been enjoying this beautiful Spring weather and reflecting on the setting for my work in progress. My current paranormal/dystopian Young Adult book takes place in different parts of Virginia as well as on an island in the Atlantic (if that sounds cryptic, it was meant to {smile} the setting is an integral part of the plot— and I’m more than ready to be completely done with this one so I can share it… but until then, it seems I’m relegated to crypticism) .

Expert Witness was set in sundrenched Florida. The beach scenes were even relaxing to write (well some of them anyway…lol). I’ve posted some of my favorite pictures from Panama City Beach, Florida where the second half of the book took place. I often search for stories to read that are situated in these types of slower-paced beach locales. I’ll admit it. I like to live vicariously through the characters in these remote sandy stretches and pretend I’m breathing in the salty air right there with them.

What types of book settings do you prefer? Books set in large, bustling cities? Futuristic space communities? Historical moments? Dystopian ruins? Tropical getaways?